"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith." 2Timothy 4:7
For two years I have heard and listened to nearly everyone I talk to tell me how bad the real estate industry is. In fact, you know it is bad when charities call you wanting donations, and as soon as you tell them you are in real estate, they decide to send money to you. Thousands of real estate agents have quit over the last couple of years and most real estate schools in South Carolina have closed the doors.
Even during the worst of times, Top Producers not only survived the worst recession we have seen in our life time, many that I have talked to say they actually did better the last couple of years than ever before. How can they continue to do so well when most took a huge hit in their life style and many others just quit? Its because they believe the words spoken by Paul in the passage above. They know if they fight the good fight with all they have, they have faith they will win the fight! The winners/survivors chose not to believe or listen to the nay Sayers. All we heard over the last 2 years is how bad real estate is and no one can survive in real estate.
I know things are really looking good in real estate because I now only hear about half of those I talk to say real estate is still not a good industry to be in. The fact of the matter is simply. Those that seek the Lords guidance and have faith the Lord will deliver in all conditions and circumstances, we not only be standing at the end of the fight, we will have VICTORY!! Do not listen to those of little or no faith for they shall be defeated. Be diligent in all you do and success will surely be yours.
Paul tells Timothy that there will be many that do not listen to sound instruction, rather, listen to others that are saying what they want to hear. Followers in Christ must continue the good fight and have faith that our Lord will see that we all experience VICTORY!
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