Welcome to the Word of Today

Welcome to the Word of Today. My prayer and desire for you and myself is to grow and become close friends with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I welcome your feedback or anything God has laid on your heart to share with me and other followers of this blog. Have a wonderful and blessed day today!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Creating Success in Days of Despair

"How long will you lie down, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest - Your poverty will come in like a vagabond and your need like an armed man." Proverbs 6: 9-11

I hear in the news that the unemployment rate in South Carolina is over 12% and if you add to this number those that have given up on finding work, the number would be around 20%. We are are living in a time of hardship that we have not seen in our generation. So many have given up on their dreams and fallen victim to words and actions of man.

Solomon asks, how long will you lie down and give up on your dreams? Many have even given up on their self and wait for the government to provide the answer and solutions. My friends, the worst thing we can do is to wait on the government for solutions. We are living in a time where phrophecy is being fulfilled daily. Decisions by our government will lead to ruin. Unless we practice diligence and do not procrastinate, "poverty will come in like a vagabond". You will become a vagrant with no place to call home.

God does not react to the things that happen in our lives. It is not for us to understand why God allows things and events to take place in our lives. God has commanded us to be faithful to him and he will not leave or forsake us. It is impossible for us to understand why God would allow his children to go through difficult times because we have finite minds. These are the days we must have faith and beleive God will provide for all our needs.

Be diligent and prepare yourself for the blessings and success God is preparing. Do not be taken in by the words of despair we hear daily from others. We are Gods children and he will provide a door of opportunity if we are diligent and walk through the door when it opens. It will only be open for a very brief moment.

Dear God, give us comfort as we diligently seek your direction. Give us wisdom to make the right decisions and my prayer is that everything we do will glorify your name. In Jesus Name, AMEN.

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