"Commit your works to the Lord And your plans will be established." Proverbs 16:3
As a real estate instuctor, I have a unique opportunity to watch people as they decide to start new careers. There is always hope and belief that they can be successful in real estate. However, it takes more than just hope and belief in anything one would like to attempt.
To obtain true success, all we do must be for the right reasons. Many have asked me if I think they can be successful in real estate. My answer is always the same, it does not matter what I think. I ask them why do they seek real estate as a career? The answer is usually the same; such as, the market is coming back, real estate is always a good investment, I am good with other people, etc.
Solomon answeres all such questions better than I could ever answer it. "Commit your works to the Lord...", The question would best be asked, would real estate be Gods will for me at this time? God will always provide for his children. We must ensure that all we do is to the glory of God. Reqardless of how good we are at what we do, when God does not receive the glory, it will soon fail. When we commit all to His glory, Solomon says our "... plans will be established".
Father, I pray that all I do and say today will be pleasing to you. All I do will be to glorify You. AMEN.
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