"The naive inherit foolishness, But the sensible are crowned with knowledge." Proverbs 14:18
Have you noticed all the get rich quick business propositions surrounding us today? It seems that someone I know has discovered the guaranteed keys to success. Little to no work is involved and no way to fail. However, I need to sign up now (and pay my money to join) to get in on the ground floor. I can't help but wonder why I cannot wait till next week to join if it is so good today. But that is not how it usually works. To have success, I must join now. Next week will be too late and someone else will have what I could have had.
I have certainly been taken by my fair share of these get rich quick schemes. I knew it could not work as easily as it was described to me, but because this person is a respected friend, I agreed. Not once have a even made a dime, much less get rich. I am sure I helped someone else get rich.
Solomon describes this action as foolish. He also says that we must look well into the matter before making any commitments. In Proverbs 10:4 it states the hand of the diligent maketh rich. We must not be taken in by the fast and smooth talking and act foolishly. Be diligent and look well into the matter before making any decisions.
Father, I pray for wisdom and patience so that I will not make hasty decisions without looking well into the matter. Teach me diligence so that I will learn how to work hard and receive the true blessings from you. AMEN.
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